Aldgate Highway and Public Realm Improvement Project
Term Contractor
City of London
2014 – 2016

CCS award for stakeholder engagement
This is a multi-million pound project by the City of London Corporation to give a major uplift to the Aldgate area, enhancing safety for road users, improving cycle routes, improving pedestrian routes and connections, introducing greener space, creating new public spaces and improving lighting in the area. JB Riney, as Term Contractor for the City Corporation, was appointed to undertake implementation of the scheme. Construction of the highways elements started in summer 2014 with a phased completion in autumn 2016 allowing removal of the gyratory system and the switch-over to two-way working. Works took place simultaneously at a number of locations within the site, including preparatory works for a new public space: Aldgate Square and landscaping is now in progress. In recognition of our approach to stakeholder and public engagement, we received the Considerate Contractors Communications Award for ‘Demonstrating Excellence in Stakeholder Communications.’
Stakeholder Interfaces:
- ECI during design stages providing advice on buildability, materials, works phasing, programme and traffic management
- Complex liaison with National Grid Gas to bring forward its major mains renewal programme and avoid disruption to the works
- Collaboration with TfL on undertaking its Cycle Superhighway Route 2 upgrade works on Whitechapel High Street; liaison with their contractor on temporary traffic management for both projects
- Collaboration with London Buses to manage the closure of their facility and service relocation
- Early engagement with local businesses to minimise the impacts of our works and maintain full access to properties.
Works undertaken:
- Junction and traffic signal works including kerb realignment, new island sites, ducting and pits
- Carriageway resurfacing and road markings
- Footway reconstruction in yorkstone and mastic with inset covers and tactile paving
- Signage
- Specialist surface treatment for bus stops and cycle lanes
- Inset parking/loading bays and parking bays
- Hard/soft landscaping in new public spaces
- Bespoke street furniture
Programming and Scheme Management:
Interface with works by others and the high security situation in and around the City of London bought new challenges. Close liaison with the City of London Police and other key stakeholders by our dedicated Liaison Officer for the project fostered trust and understanding which, together with our flexible approach to programming, ensured works could continue without prejudice to the planned completion date for the highway works. Open and regular dialogue with all stakeholders was the key to our success in the management of this project.

Community engagement

Reconstructed footway with inset covers and tactile paving