East Croydon Interchange
East Croydon Interchange
Civil Engineering
London Borough of Croydon
Completed 2015
Improved interchange at East Croydon between transport modes to provide high quality, accessible and safe facilities for walking, cycling and users of public transport.
- Highway and junction improvements including kerb realignment and new island sites
- Carriageway resurfacing and roadmarkings
- Footway reconstruction involving multi-couloured granite paving
- Platform reconstruction
- Hard and soft landscaping
- Creation of a cycle hub
- Trees and planters
- Bespoke station signage
- Security bollards
- 30 metre reinforced cast seating wall
- Fencing
The first task on award of the contract was for JBR to engage with the various Authorities and Stakeholders involved in the project including Croydon Council, Croydon TramLink, Network Rail, Southern Rail, Transport for London, and UKPN as each Authority/Organisation has its own restrictions and controls on working practices which impacted our construction programme.Track ‘shut-down’ periods were pre-determined by the Client and TramLink with clear expecations of the scope of works to be achieved in this time with a myriad of construction constraints.
Over a 14 day shut-down period of the tramlink network, Riney’s workforce was mobilised to provide 24/7 working on rotational shifts. £500,000 of work was planned in the shut-down period and we achieved £800,000.

East Croydon Interchange.