Mini Holland Programme: Walthamstow Village
Principal Contractor (as Term Contractor)
LB Waltham Forest
Feb – Nov 2015
“Waltham Forest Council released traffic data showing that the first stage of the ‘Mini Holland’ infrastructure project has helped reduce traffic levels by 56 percent on key routes in Walthamstow Village, and by 16 percent overall. Data showed there were 10,000 fewer vehicles a day in and around the Village on average, with the biggest declines offset by small rises of three percent in Hoe Street and 11 percent in Lea Bridge Road as cars are forced to use main roads instead.”
Waltham Forest Echo
In 2014 Waltham Forest Council was awarded £27m for Mini Holland, a three year programme to make the borough more cycle friendly and encourage more people to take up cycling and walking. The programme comprises a package of integrated schemes to deliver dramatic improvements for safety and convenience of cyclists, with public realm enhancements for residential and shopping areas.
JB Riney, as Term Contractor for the London Borough of Waltham Forest, is appointed as Principal Contractor to undertake construction of a raft of measures from the borough’s Mini-Holland portfolio.
Stakeholder Interfaces:
- Innovative approach to stakeholder consultation in partnership with LBWF by resourcing short-term experimental measures to gauge public opinion
- Working closely with shops and cafes during construction phase to minimise the impact of our works on their daily business, maintaining access for customers and deliveries
Works undertaken:
- Raised ’Copenhagen’ style crossings
- Carriageway resurfacing
- Raised junction tables
- Shared space on Orford Road
- Road closures with exemption for cyclists
- Traffic calming measures
- Creation of wider footways and repaving
- Cycle parking
- New street furniture
- Improvements to the public square (Eden Village Square)
- Tree planting
Programming and Scheme Management
This project:
This project took place at numerous locations throughout the Village. With LBWF, we developed a programme to avoid conflicting work sites, minimise disruption and maintain safe routes around and through roadworks for vulnerable road users.

Cafe tables out on the pavement – and no exhaust fumes